Amplify (1st-6th)


Sundays 10-11:30AM Worship Service | 6-7:30PM Family Connect Groups | Mid-Week 6:30-8:00PM His Ways Journey Groups


Every child deserves to know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. That's why our children's ministry is geared to affirm a child's uniqueness and understanding of the Father's love for them. A child will experience caring teachers, learning principles for life, hands on activities, and lots of fun. The best compliment we can receive from children is, "I can't wait till next time." That's why we take intentional pride in creating an unforgettable experience for them. You can sign your kids up for our secure check-in system when you arrive or you can do it ahead of time by clicking this link.

Sunday Morning Amplify starts at 10AM. We use Orange 252 Kids Curriculum for our Sunday morning lessons. The kids separate into 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th grades for crafts, activities and discussions and to watch the Video Bible Lesson for the day. They come together in the "Big Room" for worship!