i am: Jesus
In the Gospel of John, we discover that Jesus identifies himself with the God of the Old Testament who revealed to Moses regarding his identity “I AM WHO I AM”. In John 1:14 we read “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” While existing and fully divine, Jesus descended from the heavens and entered this physical world as a human being. And in John 8:58 Jesus declares '… I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM!’. Metaphorically, Jesus states 7 “I AM” statements about himself in the Gospel of John and it is clear that Jesus is claiming to be the eternal God incarnate which he affirms with his actions.
"I AM the Light of the World
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
In Genesis, God said “let there be light and there was light.” Jesus claims to be the light and calls people to follow him as opposed to living in darkness.
"I AM the Door"
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
We live a world that proposes that there is more than one door to enter in to the kingdom of heaven. In the Old Testament we learn that God is a jealous God and will not share his glory with other gods. Jesus maintains the same and for good reason.
I AM the Good Shepherd
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
In the Old Testament, we read regarding God, “the Lord is my shepherd” and Jesus identifies himself with God’s attributes of being loving, caring, and even willing to risk his life for his sheep which as he proves later, he did!
"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
Jesus has exclusive rights for many reasons. He is uniquely different than any other. He stands alone as superior to all. Jesus debunks that there are not many ways to the Father, not many equal truths, and not many sources of life.
"I AM the True Vine"
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
Jesus says that without him we can’t do anything for He is the key to a productive life and his power is now available to all. A connection to him is vital.
"I AM the Resurrection and the Life"
9:50 AM - 11:30 AM
3016 Selma St. Fort Worth, TX 76111
Jesus states this before he raises Lazarus from the dead. Of course, little did people know or understand that he would raise himself from the dead. It is through Jesus’ resurrection that the promise of eternal life becomes verifiably real and undeniable.